Your support matters
Make a Donation
We are privileged to have a global network of supporters who make GAP possible.
If you’d like to give, select your country and you’ll be re-directed to the respective giving information.
Global Advance Projects Inc. is a Registered Charity
(ABN number: 80240284254).
All donations from Australia are tax-deductible.
Donations from the Unites States are received through our partner organisation
‘Blessed Homes USA’, a registered 501(c)(3). All donations are tax deductible.
Donations from Canada can be made through Commission to Every Nation.
Be sure to select DESIGNATION: COOK, KELLY
Donations from Thailand can be made through our Thai Registered Foundation.
Our generous supporters make Global Advance Projects possible. Without them it would be impossible to change lives here on the Thailand/Myanmar border and beyond. Partner with us as we Bridge the GAP by giving now!
Other Ways to Contribute to GAP
Receive a 10¢ refund for every accepted container you return, which you can donate to GAP. Click on the Containers for Change logo to be redirected to their page.
Hold a dinner to share about GAP with your friends and family. Enjoy a zoom call with founder/director Judah Tana. Contact us here.
Host us at your church, event or school to advocate for GAP. Contact us here.